Here’s what happens when you click like or comment…
You - participate…
You - just put skin in the game…
You - aren’t just a passive experience of - life - happening to you…
In other words, you aren’t just endlessly scrolling…
Killing time…
When you click like or comment…
A thrill is sent….
And a thrill is given…
Somebody wrote, snapped, or shared what you just gave “thrilled” too…
And somebody - just got given to by your click or comment….
(Imagine what happens, when you share, but I digress…)
But here’s the BIG PROBLEM I see…
SCROLLERS - just scroll through their lives - from what I can tell…
It’s not just when they are online - but everywhere in their lives….
On the other hand…
Those who like and comment - they are a little more active in life - and it shows….
Seeming side note: I’m pretty easy….
I’m pretty easy to give a compliment - online - and in person….
About someone’s smile, or outfit, or the way they move in the gym….
I don’t just let them scroll through my screen of space…
I genuine them….
That’s a thrill to me….
So I made a new friend the other day….
(This happens quite a bit…)
His name is Sam, and he has a great beard…
Can you guess how we met…
I complimented him….
He’s a 55 year old fella, a writer…
Turns out he’s been wanting to ask me about my hats….
(He hasn’t. He was scrolling….)
I’m the guy who always wears a NICE hat in the gym…
While hitting the machines…
While smashing the heavy bag…
Think pork pie hat or fedora…
I’m classy….
Then add in those RayBan Smart Glasses…
Yes, I do stand out in a crowd…
And I don’t mind….
Let’s talk about snowflakes…
To be called a snowflake isn’t a compliment…
And I notice - humans - really are like snowflakes….
All beautiful…
All unique…
And yet we treat them like they are fragile…
Afraid they might be offended - or explosive…
And so - at the end of the day….
So many folks are both lonely and in their heads….
They could be having lovely experiences…
Unique experiences with other unique people…
They could be expressing and experiencing life…
Or they could just let it scroll by….
Give a like…
Leave a comment…
Share if you dare…
Do it online…
Do it at the gym…
Or at the grocery store..
Or at home…
Because - Sharing is caring…
Why not share - how you feel - they touched you - by simply being…
This might be the path to being - more of a human being….
Instead of being a human scrolling…