So I’m stuck…
I’m stuck in a loop…
I feel like I’ve done nothing…
Like I need to “get shit done”…
Which from what I can tell is an invite…
When I feel like “I need” to “get shit done”…
But it “ain’t happening”…
I’ve simply lost - my I am-ness….
And I’m lost in the world of comparison…
Compared to yesterday…
I haven’t done shit…
Compared to Neighbor Norm…
I haven’t accomplished shit…
Compared to what I thought - I could do - today…
Shit! Shit! Shit!
Here’s what I notice…
Needing proof I exist…
When I need proof - I exist…
I take a measurement…
According to science…
If something exists - it can be measured…
It can be measured either directly or indirectly…
You can measure the critter or you can measure the tracks it leaves behind…
A bigger dog leaves bigger prints…
A heavier dog - leaves deeper prints…
My mentors said “dogs” represented thinking…
And that there are a few different kinds of dogs….
Wolves reveal strengths…
Foxes are cunning…
Coyotes are tricksters…
And all those kids of thinkings - leave tracks behind - let’s call them thoughts.
There’s the spirit - that moves - within all…
That’s an old teaching…
One spirit - that moves within…
One spirit - that moves all…
And everything - everywhere - is a track of that….
What if this was all I got done today…
What if this is what showed up - when I got out of my own way….
By not needing proof - that I am….
By discovering the dance that was ready to be - danced….
I love how this showed up on our REMARKABLE call❤️ thank you guys - 🤟🤟🤟
Reading this feels like you are in my mind, my day. I'm about to revise my day and lay my head on the pillow. I will read this a few more times before I close my eyes. This is wonderful!